Sunday, November 25, 2012

More paint scraping

Today my time was mostly spent with the family.  We went to a close friend's wedding reception.  Afterwards, I was able to get a couple hours of work done on the house.  As you can see I am starting to remove paint from around the door.  I snapped this picture because I finished removing most of the paint from the transom window.  I couldn't resist hanging it back up in the frame to see how it looked. This is probably the first time this window has moved freely in a LONG time. I cant wait to have working transoms!

QUESTION:  I discovered that the window glass is set with glazing putty.  Not too surprising, I guess. My question is what color I should paint the putty?  All the trim will eventually be shellaced, so I am unsure if I should paint the glazing putty white, or if I should paint it a brownish/tan color to blend in with the wood color.  Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Mine are painted white, for what that's worth.
